Actor Amitabh Bachchan was injured while shooting on the sets of Ram Gopal Varma's Department on Wednesday evening. No sooner than Bachchan Senior tweet about the accident, his fans flooded him with messages wishing him speedy recovery. Some even derided Varma for asking Big B to do an action sequence.
Bachchan tweeted: "A minor incident on the set during a semi-action sequence, got hit on rib cage, some damage inside, pain on breathing, bearable. Guess it's the season for injuries... first Abhishek, now moi... happens... will repair on its own said doc."
Bombarded with concerned messages, Bachchan tweeted: "People of Twitterworld, relax, should never have mentioned... just an accidental hit by either an elbow or the butt of a carbine."
Some fans prayed for his quick recovery, some asked him to take care and some even were angry with director Ramgopal Varma.
A fan tweeted: "RGV crazy to ask you to do a action sequence. Do not test your body, Amitabh Ji. Hope it heals soon."
Bachchan is said to be playing the role of a gangster-turned-politician role in Department.
Varma said, "I really didn't know about this till I read his tweets. He shot with me for over an hour after he hurt himself." He later tweeted to Big B: "O hell, Sarkar, and you never told me about this."
Bachchan tweeted: "A minor incident on the set during a semi-action sequence, got hit on rib cage, some damage inside, pain on breathing, bearable. Guess it's the season for injuries... first Abhishek, now moi... happens... will repair on its own said doc."
Bombarded with concerned messages, Bachchan tweeted: "People of Twitterworld, relax, should never have mentioned... just an accidental hit by either an elbow or the butt of a carbine."
Some fans prayed for his quick recovery, some asked him to take care and some even were angry with director Ramgopal Varma.
A fan tweeted: "RGV crazy to ask you to do a action sequence. Do not test your body, Amitabh Ji. Hope it heals soon."
Bachchan is said to be playing the role of a gangster-turned-politician role in Department.
Varma said, "I really didn't know about this till I read his tweets. He shot with me for over an hour after he hurt himself." He later tweeted to Big B: "O hell, Sarkar, and you never told me about this."
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